Do you own a business? It doesn’t matter what the size or type is; your business premises security should be one of your top priorities. We frequently get questions from customers regarding security, like how much they need to invest in security and how to secure their business premises. Here is a business security checklist to help you with these questions.
How to calculate your business security ROI and how much you need to invest?
The ROI of a business security system is not calculated like other assets. Since you won’t get any visible return, you won’t feel like it’s a good investment for your business. What is your business security ROI? It is the threats that get nullified because of your security investment. E.g. If you installed an alarm system, you are reducing the risk of being robbed.
Now, how much do you need to invest?
Regardless of the business size, experts advise that all businesses invest 10% of the assets’ cost for security. Why? Suppose your company has to suffer a burglary. In that case, it will result not only in property damage but also lead to a decline in productivity, loss of time, employee and customer dissatisfaction, and more. Scary right? A 10% investment is not a huge investment when it can save you from all the above consequences.
Business security checklist
Did you conduct security risk assessments on your premises?
Conduct a security risk assessment to learn about all the potential risks for your business premises. This way, you can take the necessary precautions to protect your business against these risks.
Did you number and assign keys?
It’s essential to number the keys and enlist the details about the employees who possess these keys. Moreover, if your company provides temporary keys to employees, ensure the keys are returned once the purpose is completed.
Do you have a secure place to store keys?
You need to ensure that you have a safe and secure place to store the keys. It would be wise to keep them in key boxes or safes.
Do you have an alarm system installed?
Alarm systems will help you to detect intrusion into a building easily. If someone enters your building, the alarm system will get activated and will also trigger a set of events. It may include the siren going off, sending an intrusion warning or alerting the authorities etc.
Do you have smart locks?
Smart locks are keyless and remotely controllable locks. It will keep away unauthorised entry. You can know more about smart locks here.
Do you have CCTV installed?
Installation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) will help you monitor and record events that occur in your company premises. It will make your staff more vigilant at work and make the burglars hesitant to break in.
Did you secure your company perimeter?
Building a wall or fence can help you restrict the entry of unauthorised people. It will also keep burglars away since a secured perimeter will make it difficult for them to escape.
Did you provide security training for your staff?
Ensure all your staff have a precise understanding of the security measures they need to follow. Security training will make them more responsible and help them be on guard. For instance, they will be more careful to store the keys in the key box instead of misplacing them.
This checklist can guide you on how to secure your business premises. You can, of course, modify or add depending on the nature of your business. Need a locksmith to get smart locks or key box installed at your workplace? Give us a call on 0492 360 504, and we will be at your service. We also offer a 24-hour service for emergency occasions.